“然而,[政党]可能时不时地回应大众的目的,但随着时间和事情的发展,他们很可能成为强大的引擎,通过这些引擎,狡猾,雄心勃勃,无原则的人将能够颠覆人民的力量, 自己夺取了政府的控制权,随后摧毁了使它们升格为不公正统治权的引擎。” —乔治·华盛顿,1796年9月17日告别演讲,但是,正是华盛顿自己最亲密的顾问催生了美国政党体系。 汉密尔顿和麦迪逊尽管在《联邦制文件》中反对政治派别,但仍成为前两个职能性对立政党的核心领导人。


“However, [party] may respond to the public’s purpose from time to time, but as time and things develop, they are likely to become powerful engines through which the embarrassing, ambitious, unprincipled people will be able to subvert the power of the people. They seized control of the government and subsequently destroyed the engine that made them upgrade to unjust rule.” —George Washington, a farewell speech on September 17, 1796, but it was Washington’s closest advisor who gave birth. American political party system. Hamilton and Madison, despite opposing political factions in the Federal System, remain the core leaders of the first two functional opposition parties.



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