像世界上许多其他地方一样,在德国,60年代的年轻人似乎是第一代政治家。对于许多左翼活动家来说,他们父母的一代是传统的和保守的。起源于美国的伍德斯托克式生活方式是这个时代的一种现象。此外,在年轻的西德共和国,有大量的学生和年轻学者试图打破所谓的建立规则。在这个时代最大和最着名的实验之一是Kommune 1,这是德国第一个出于政治动机的公社。建立一个有政治问题的社区的想法首先出现在60年代后期,SDS,学生社会主义运动的Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund和“慕尼黑颠覆行动”,一个激进的左翼活动家团体。他们讨论了摧毁仇恨机构的方法。对他们来说,整个德国社会都是保守而狭隘的。他们的想法经常显得非常激进和片面,就像他们对公社概念所做的那样。对于这一群体的成员来说,传统的核心家庭是法西斯主义的起源,因此必须予以摧毁。对于那些左翼活动家来说,核心家庭被视为压迫和制度主义起源的国家中最小的“细胞”。此外,男女对其中一个家庭的依赖会阻止两者以适当的方式发展自己。这个理论的推论是建立一个公社,每个人都只能满足自己的需要。成员应该对自己感兴趣,只是按自己喜欢的方式生活,没有任何压迫。小组为他们的项目找到了合适的公寓:作者的Hans Markus Enzensberger在柏林Friedenau。并非所有那些帮助发展这个想法的人都搬进来了。例如,德国最着名的左翼活动家之一Rudi Dutschke更喜欢和他的女朋友住在一起而不是真的活着Kommune的想法1.虽然着名的进步思想家否认加入该项目,但1967年有9名男女和1名儿童搬到那里。实现他们的人生梦想没有任何偏见,他们开始告诉对方他们的传记。很快,他们中的一个变得像一个领导者和族长,并使公社放下一切安全,如储蓄金钱或食物。此外,他们的社区废除了隐私和财产的想法。只要它发生在其他人身上,每个人都可以做任何他或她想做的事情。除此之外,Kommune 1的头几年非常政治和激进。其成员策划并制定了若干政治行动和挑衅行为,以对抗国家和企业。例如,他们计划在访问西柏林期间向美国副总统扔馅饼和布丁。此外,他们对比利时的纵火事件表示赞赏,这使得它们越来越受到德国内部情报机构的监视甚至渗透。


Like many other places in the world, in Germany, young people in the 1960s seemed to be the first generation of politicians. For many left-wing activists, their parents’ generation is traditional and conservative. The Woodstock lifestyle that originated in the United States is a phenomenon of this era. In addition, in the young West German Republic, there are a large number of students and young scholars trying to break the so-called establishment rules. One of the biggest and most famous experiments in this era was Kommune 1, the first politically motivated commune in Germany. The idea of building a community with political problems first appeared in the late 1960s, SDS, the student socialist movement Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund and the “Munich Subversive Action”, a radical left-wing activist group. They discussed ways to destroy hate agencies. For them, the entire German society is conservative and narrow. Their ideas are often very radical and one-sided, just as they do for the concept of communes. For members of this group, the traditional nuclear family is the origin of fascism and must be destroyed. For those left-wing activists, the nuclear family is seen as the smallest “cell” in the country of oppression and institutionalism. In addition, the dependence of men and women on one of the families prevents them from developing themselves in an appropriate manner. The inference of this theory is to establish a commune, and everyone can only meet their own needs. Members should be interested in themselves, just live the way they like, without any oppression. The team found the right apartment for their project: the author’s Hans Markus Enzensberger in Friedenau, Berlin. Not all those who helped develop this idea moved in. For example, Rudi Dutschke, one of Germany’s most famous left-wing activists, prefers to live with his girlfriend instead of living Kommune’s idea. 1. Although the famous progressive thinkers denied joining the project, there were 9 in 1967. Men and women and one child moved there. There is no prejudice in realizing their dreams of life, they begin to tell each other their biography. Soon, one of them became like a leader and patriarch, and made the commune safe, such as saving money or food. In addition, their community abolished the idea of privacy and property. As long as it happens to other people, everyone can do whatever he or she wants to do. In addition, the first few years of Kommune 1 were very political and radical. Its members have planned and developed a number of political actions and provocative actions to confront countries and businesses. For example, they plan to throw pies and puddings to the US Vice President during their visit to West Berlin. In addition, they expressed their appreciation for the arson in Belgium, which made them more and more inspected and even infiltrated by German internal intelligence agencies.


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