“某些部分,例如加仑/升,可以应用于任何液体的头部名词,并且诸如吨/克/磅的部分可以用于量化任何适当地通过重量测量的东西。类似地,诸如此类的部分作为一瓶可以应用于这个容器中的不同类型的液体(例如,啤酒,葡萄酒,番茄酱,牛奶)。相比之下,用于量化食物的部分更受限制。烘焙食品的部分,如蛋糕,馅饼,披萨和面包是通过切片来衡量的,只有面包通过参与计数名词面包来量化。某些类型的蔬菜(例如,花椰菜,卷心菜,生菜)通过头部量化。 (Ron Cowan,教师的英语语法:课程手册和参考指南。剑桥大学出版社,2008年)“酒吧非常聪明,受外国人欢迎,他们可以订购Leopold Bloom的午餐 – 戈贡佐拉三明治和一杯勃艮第酒 – 在夏季旺季,大约十五美元。“ (比尔巴里奇,一品脱平原:传统,变化和爱尔兰酒吧的命运。布鲁姆斯伯里,2010)


“Some parts, such as gallons per liter, can be applied to any liquid head noun, and parts such as tons per gram per pound can be used to quantify anything that is properly measured by weight. Similarly, parts such as one Bottles can be applied to different types of liquids in this container (eg beer, wine, ketchup, milk). In contrast, the parts used to quantify food are more limited. Parts of baked goods, such as cakes, pies Pizza and bread are measured by slicing, and only bread is quantified by participating in counting noun bread. Certain types of vegetables (eg, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce) are quantified by the head. (Ron Cowan, Teacher’s English Grammar: Course Handbook and Reference Guide. Cambridge University Press, 2008) “Bars are very smart and popular with foreigners, they can order Leopold Bloom for lunch – Gorgonzola sandwiches and a glass of Burgundy – in the summer peak season, about fifteen Dollar. “(Bil Baric, a pint of the plains: tradition, change and the fate of the Irish pub. Bloomsbury, 2010)



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