

Discussions about global climate change (also known as global warming) can become very complex very quickly. Fortunately, it can be explained simply. Here’s the basics of climate change you need to know: For millions of years, in the geological history of the Earth, climate has warmed and cooled many times. However, the global average temperature increase we have observed over the past few decades has been exceptionally rapid and very large. It transforms into warm temperatures and warm waters in almost every part of the planet. The increase in temperature has led to an increase in the melting of most of the world’s glaciers. In addition, the thick Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are shrinking in size, and sea ice covers smaller and smaller Arctic areas, while also becoming thinner. Winter snow is thin in most parts of the United States and does not last long in winter. As the glaciers melt, the water level of the seawater continues to rise, the water temperature rises, and the space is occupied. Although the term climate refers to long-term statistics on many aspects of temperature and precipitation, weather is a more direct phenomenon and is felt outside every day. Global climate change is changing our experience of weather events in different ways, depending on where we live. Common changes include more frequent rainstorm events, regular winter melts or persistent droughts. Human activities release many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases block the amount of solar energy reflected on the Earth’s surface. This heat is then redirected to the ground to increase the temperature. Most of the observed warming can be attributed to these gases. The most important greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide and methane. When we extract, process and burn fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas for electricity, manufacturing and transportation, they are released. These gases were also produced during industrial activities when we cleared the land for housing and agriculture and during some agricultural activities. During the natural solar cycle, the surface temperature of the Earth rises and falls with small changes. However, these solar activity cycles and their resulting changes are well understood and less important than those driven by greenhouse gases.


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