如果艺术家Frida Kahlo和Diego Rivera在墨西哥有一段奇怪的婚姻,那么西班牙超现实主义画家萨尔瓦多·达利(1904-1989)和他出生在俄罗斯的妻子Galarina也是如此。在晚年,达利购买了一座11世纪的哥特式城堡作为他妻子的“宫廷爱情”的中世纪表达。除非有书面邀请,否则大理从未在城堡参观过嘎拉,并且只有在她去世后才进入Púbol的Gala-Dali城堡。在他的职业生涯早期,萨尔瓦多·达利在他出生的菲格雷斯附近的Port Lligat(也称为Portlligat)租了一间渔屋。在他的一生中,大理买了这栋小屋,建在一个不起眼的房子上,并创建了一个工作别墅。 Costa Brava地区成为西班牙北部的艺术家和旅游天堂,俯瞰地中海。 Portlligat的众议院博物馆向公众开放,而Púbol的Gala-Dalí城堡也是如此,但这些并不是与大理相关的唯一绘画场所。在巴塞罗那附近的达利踩踏地被称为达利安三角地带 – 在西班牙的地图上,在Púbol的城堡,在Portlligat的别墅,以及他在菲格雷斯的出生地形成一个三角形。这些位置几何相关似乎并非偶然。对神圣,神秘几何学的信仰,如建筑和几何学,是一个非常古老的想法,可能引起了艺术家的兴趣。达利的妻子被埋葬在城堡的土地上,而达利则被埋葬在菲格雷斯的达利剧院博物馆。达利安三角的所有三个点都向公众开放。


If the artists Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera had a strange marriage in Mexico, then the Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dali (1904-1989) and his wife, Galarina, who was born in Russia, did the same. In his later years, Dali bought an 11th-century Gothic castle as a medieval expression of his wife’s “court love.” Dali had never visited Jura in the castle unless she had a written invitation, and she only entered Púbol’s Gala-Dali Castle after her death. Earlier in his career, Salvador Dali rented a fishing house at Port Lligat (also known as Portlligat) near Figres where he was born. During his lifetime, Dali bought the cottage, built it in an inconspicuous house, and created a working villa. The Costa Brava region is an artist and tourist paradise in northern Spain, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Portlligat’s House Museum is open to the public, as is Púbol’s Gala-Dalí Castle, but these are not the only painting sites associated with Dali. Dalí in the vicinity of Barcelona is known as the Dalyan Triangle – on the map of Spain, in the castle of Púbol, in the villa of Portlligat, and his birthplace in Figueres forms a triangle. The geometric correlation of these locations does not seem to be accidental. Faiths of sacred, mystical geometry, such as architecture and geometry, are a very old idea that may have attracted the interest of artists. Dali’s wife was buried in the castle’s land, while Dali was buried in the Dali Theatre Museum in Figueres. All three points in the Dalyan Triangle are open to the public.


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