生殖权利:包括对两性抚养子女的完全共同责任的规定;生育保护和儿童保育的权利,包括规定的托儿设施和产假;以及生育选择和计划生育的权利。性别关系:该公约要求批准国改变社会和文化模式,以消除性别偏见和偏见;修订教科书,学校方案和教学方法,以消除教育系统内的性别陈规定型观念;并解决将公共领域定义为男人世界和家庭作为女人的行为和思想模式,从而肯定两性在家庭生活和教育与就业方面的平等权利中都有同等的责任。预计批准该协议的国家将努力实施该公约的规定。每四年,每个国家必须向消除对妇女歧视委员会提交一份报告。由消除对妇女歧视委员会23名成员组成的小组审查这些报告,并建议需要采取进一步行联合国于1945年成立时,其宪章载有普遍人权事业。一年后,该机构成立了妇女地位委员会(CSW),以解决妇女问题和歧视问题。 1963年,联合国要求CSW准备一份声明,该声明将巩固关于两性平等权利的所有国际标准。


Reproductive rights: including provisions for full joint responsibility for the upbringing of children by both sexes; maternity protection and childcare rights, including prescribed childcare facilities and maternity leave; and the right to birth selection and family planning. Gender relations: The Convention requires ratifying countries to change social and cultural patterns to eliminate gender bias and prejudice; to revise textbooks, school programmes and teaching methods to eliminate gender stereotypes within the education system; and to address the definition of the public domain as a man The world and the family act as women’s behaviors and ideas, thus affirming that both sexes have equal responsibilities in family life and equal rights in education and employment. It is expected that the countries that have ratified the agreement will work to implement the provisions of the Convention. Every four years, each country must submit a report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. These reports were reviewed by a panel of 23 members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and recommended that further action be taken when the United Nations was established in 1945, whose charter contained a universal human rights cause. A year later, the agency established the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) to address women’s issues and discrimination. In 1963, the United Nations asked CSW to prepare a statement that would consolidate all international standards on gender equality rights.



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