

Arctic foxes are mostly monogamous, and parents care for future generations. However, the social structure depends on the abundance of predators and prey. Sometimes, foxes form packages and mix them together to increase the survival of puppies and prevent threats. Although the red fox preys on arctic foxes, the two species are genetically compatible and, in rare cases, hybrids are known. The fox breeds in April or May, and the gestation period is about 52 days. Blue foxes that live on the coast and enjoy a stable food supply usually have 5 cubs a year. White Arctic foxes may not be able to multiply when food is scarce, but white Arctic foxes may have as many as 25 cubs when prey is abundant. This is the largest litter size of Carnivora. Both parents help take care of the cubs or kits. These kits emerged from the litter at 3 to 4 weeks of age and were weaned at 9 weeks of age. When resources are abundant, older offspring may remain in the territory of their parents to help protect it and help the toolbox survive. Arctic foxes can only live in the wild for three to four years. Foxes in dens near food supplies tend to live longer than animals that migrate to larger carnivores.



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