“疾病控制中心说,这些孩子经常住在虚拟战争区,哈佛大学的医生说他们实际上患有更复杂的创伤后应激障碍。有人称之为“胡德病。””旧金山KPIX电视新闻主播温迪德田在广播过程中对2014年5月16日说这些话的主播台的背后,一个可视化图形功能的话‘中的大写字母胡德病’,在前面背景是一个沉重的涂鸦,上面的店面,带有一条黄色警察带。然而,没有罩病这样的事情,哈佛医生从来没有说过这些话。在其他记者和博主向她询问这个词之后,Tokuda承认奥克兰当地居民使用了这个词,但它并非来自公共卫生官员或医学研究人员。然而,它的神话性质并没有阻止美国其他记者和博主重新印刷Tokuda的故事并错过了真实的故事:种族主义和经济不平等严重影响了那些体验他们的人的身心健康。这种新闻误导的黯然失色是,内城青年的创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)是一个需要引起注意的真正的公共卫生问题。说到全身种族主义的更广泛的影响,社会学家乔R. Feagin强调,许多种族主义在美国有色人种出生的成本都健康相关,包括得不到充分的医疗保健,从心脏发作发病率较高和癌症,更高的糖尿病率和更短的寿命。这些不成比例的比率主要表现在社会中跨越种族界限的结构性不平等。专门研究公共卫生的医生将种族称为健康的“社会决定因素”。 Ruth Shim博士及其同事在2014年1月出版的精神病学年鉴中发表的一篇文章中解释道。


“The Centers for Disease Control says these children often live in virtual war zones, and Harvard doctors say they actually have more complex post-traumatic stress disorder. Some call it “Hood disease.” “The San Francisco KPIX TV news anchor Wendy Detian in the broadcast process on the side of the anchor station that said these words on May 16, 2014, a visual graphics feature in the words of the capital letter Hu De’, in the front background is A heavy graffiti with a yellow police belt on the storefront. However, there is no such thing as a hood, and Harvard doctors have never said these things. After other journalists and bloggers asked her about the word, Tokuda acknowledged that the local residents of Auckland used the term, but it was not from public health officials or medical researchers. However, its mythological nature did not prevent other American journalists and bloggers from reprinting Tokuda’s story and missing the true story: racism and economic inequality seriously affect the physical and mental health of those who experience them. This news misleading is eclipsed by the fact that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Inner City youth is a real public health problem that requires attention. Speaking of the broader effects of general racism, sociologist Joe R. Feagin stressed that the cost of many racist births in the United States is healthy, including inadequate health care, and a higher incidence of heart attacks. High and cancer, higher diabetes rates and shorter life expectancy. These disproportionate ratios are mainly manifested in structural inequalities across the racial boundaries in society. Doctors who specialize in public health refer to race as the “social determinant of health”. Dr. Ruth Shim and colleagues explained in an article published in the January 2014 Psychiatric Yearbook.


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