结构性暴力可以对影响不平等和痛苦的社会,文化,政治,经济和历史力量进行更细致的分析。它创造了一个机会,可以认真考虑不同类型边缘化的作用 – 例如性别歧视,种族主义,能干,年龄歧视,同性恋恐惧症和/或贫困 – 创造从根本上不平等的生活经历。结构性暴力有助于解释多重且经常交叉的力量,这些力量在个人和社区的多个层面上创造并延续不平等。结构性暴力也凸显了现代不平等的历史根源。我们这个时代的不平等和苦难经常在更广泛的边缘化历史中展开,这个框架为理解现在与过去的关系提供了关键的背景。例如,后殖民国家的边缘化往往与其殖民历史密切相关,正如美国的不平等必须考虑到奴隶制,移民和政策的复杂历史。今天,结构性暴力的概念被广泛用于公共卫生,医学人类学和全球卫生领域。结构性暴力对于审查健康领域的痛苦和不公平特别有用。它强调了影响健康结果的复杂和重叠因素,例如美国或其他地方不同种族或民族社区之间的健康差异(或不公平)。


Structural violence can provide a more detailed analysis of the social, cultural, political, economic, and historical forces that influence inequality and suffering. It creates an opportunity to seriously consider the role of different types of marginalization – such as gender discrimination, racism, competence, age discrimination, homophobia and/or poverty – creating life experiences that are fundamentally unequal. Structural violence helps to explain multiple and often intersecting forces that create and sustain inequalities at multiple levels of individuals and communities. Structural violence also highlights the historical roots of modern inequality. The inequalities and sufferings of our time are often unfolding in the broader history of marginalization, a framework that provides a crucial context for understanding the relationship between the present and the past. For example, the marginalization of post-colonial countries is often closely related to their colonial history, just as inequality in the United States must take into account the complex history of slavery, immigration and policy. Today, the concept of structural violence is widely used in public health, medical anthropology and global health. Structural violence is particularly useful for reviewing the pain and inequity of the health field. It highlights the complex and overlapping factors that influence health outcomes, such as health differences (or inequities) between different ethnic or ethnic communities in the United States or elsewhere.


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