1975年,独裁者奥古斯丁·皮诺切特在智利上台执政,加西亚·马尔克斯发誓,在皮诺切特离开之前,他永远不会写另一部小说。皮诺切特将继续执政17年,到1981年,加西亚·马尔克斯意识到他允许皮诺切特审查他。 “死亡预言编年史”于1981年出版,重述了他童年时代朋友之一的可怕谋杀案。主角,一个富裕的商人的“快乐,和平,开放”的儿子,被砍死;整个城镇都提前知道,不能(或不会)阻止它,尽管该镇并不认为他犯了他被指控的罪行:无法采取行动的瘟疫。 1986年,出版了“霍乱时代的爱情”,这是一个浪漫的叙事,讲述了两位星光熠熠的恋人,这些恋人相遇但50年后再次没有联系。标题中的霍乱是指疾病和愤怒被带到战争的极端。托马斯·品钦(Thomas Pynchon)在“纽约时报”上对这本书进行了评论,他颂扬“写作的摇摆和半透明,它的俚语和古典主义,抒情的延伸以及那些句子的终结。”


In 1975, the dictator Augustin Pinochet came to power in Chile, and Garcia Marquez vowed that he would never write another novel until Pinochet left. Pinochet will continue to rule for 17 years, and by 1981, Garcia Marquez realized that he allowed Pinochet to review him. The “Chenography of Death Prophecy” was published in 1981, recounting the terrible murder of one of his childhood friends. The protagonist, the son of a “happy, peaceful, open” son of a wealthy businessman, was hacked; the entire town knew ahead of time that it could not (or would not) stop it, even though the town did not consider him guilty of his alleged crimes. : The plague that cannot act. In 1986, the book “Love in the Age of Cholera” was a romantic narrative that told two star-studded lovers who met each other but did not contact again 50 years later. Cholera in the title means that disease and anger are brought to the extremes of war. Thomas Pynchon commented on the book in the New York Times, and he praised “the swing and translucency of writing, its proverbs and classicism, the extension of lyricism, and the end of those sentences.”



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