位于伊利湖岸边的拉伊辛河国家战场遗址公园,纪念法国城战役的一部分,是法国城战役的一部分,是1812年战争中的决定性战役。1813年1月22日的战斗发生在美国军队由詹姆斯温彻斯特将军领导,英国领导人亨利普罗克特和他们的美洲土着盟友怀恩多特领导的圆头和水中行走。该公园包括一个0.6英里的战场环形小径,带有历史标记,沿着战场场地设有一英里的木片Mason Run Loop Trail。沉睡的熊沙丘国家湖岸,位于密歇根湖东岸,靠近帝国,以睡熊传说命名,这是一个美洲原住民的故事,将两个近海岛屿确定为小熊和海岸沙丘作为他们的母亲,家人被赶出家门,被森林大火冲进密歇根湖。睡熊是他们的母亲,望着小湖的幼崽。睡熊包括数英里的沙滩,在密歇根湖上方450英尺处的悬崖,茂密的松树林和清澈的内陆湖泊。像密歇根州的大多数公园一样,睡熊拥有交通的历史,在这种情况下,海上旅行和湖上钓鱼。 Glen Haven脐带木车站为Great Lakes轮船提供燃料;海岸警卫队救生站包括一个海事博物馆,公园内有许多鬼城和伐木村。沉船碎片经常冲上岸,提醒人们在五大湖旅行的危险。


The Raising River National Battlefield Park on the shores of Lake Erie, part of the Battle of the French City, is part of the Battle of the French City and a decisive battle in the 1812 war. The fighting on January 22, 1813 took place in the United States Army led by General James Winchester, British leader Henry Proctor and their American native ally Wyandotte led the round head and water walking. The park includes a 0.6-mile battlefield ring trail with historical markers and a mile of wood-blocked Mason Run Loop Trail along the battlefield. Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, located on the east coast of Lake Michigan, near the Empire, named after the Sleeping Bear Legend, is an American aboriginal story that identifies two offshore islands as bears and coastal dunes as their mothers, and their families are rushed Going out of the house, rushed into Lake Michigan by the forest fire. Sleeping bears are their mothers, looking at the cubs of the small lake. Sleeping bears include miles of sandy beaches, cliffs 450 feet above Lake Michigan, dense pine forests and clear inland lakes. Like most parks in Michigan, sleeping bears have a history of transportation, in this case, sea travel and fishing on the lake. The Glen Haven umbilical wood station fuels the Great Lakes ship; the Coast Guard lifeguard station includes a maritime museum with many ghost towns and logging villages. Shipwreck fragments often rush to shore, reminding people of the danger of traveling in the Great Lakes.



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