正是这种非常真实的贫困与心理健康之间的关系,旧金山新闻主播Wendy Tokuda在她错过并传播了“罩病”的神话时得到了解决.Tokuda提到了该部门主任Howard Spivak博士的研究。疾病预防控制中心的暴力预防,2012年4月的国会简报。斯皮瓦克博士发现生活在内城的儿童的创伤后应激障碍率高于退伍军人,这在很大程度上是因为大多数儿童生活在市中心社区经常遭受暴力。例如,在加州奥克兰,Tokuda的报告所关注的湾区城市,该市三分之二的谋杀案发生在东奥克兰,这是一个贫困地区。在弗里蒙特高中,经常看到学生们在脖子上戴着致敬卡片来庆祝生命并哀悼死去的朋友的死亡。学校的教师报告说,学生患有抑郁,压力和拒绝周围发生的事情。像所有患有创伤后应激障碍的人一样,教师注意到任何事情都可能引发学生煽动暴力行为。 2013年,电台节目“美国生活”在位于芝加哥南区恩格尔伍德社区的哈珀高中的两部分广播中详细记录了日常枪支暴力对青年造成的创伤。我们从公共卫生研究以及奥克兰和芝加哥这样的报告中得知,PTSD对于美国内城青年来说是一个严重的公共卫生问题。在地理种族隔离方面,这也意味着青少年创伤后应激障碍是对于有色人种的年轻人来说,这绝对是一个问题。其中存在术语“引擎盖疾病”的问题。


It was this very real relationship between poverty and mental health that San Francisco news anchor Wendy Tokuda was solved when she missed and spread the myth of “hood disease.” Tokuda mentioned the study of Dr. Howard Spivak, director of the department. Violence Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Congressional Briefing, April 2012. Dr. Spivak found that children living in inner cities had higher rates of post-traumatic stress disorder than veterans, in large part because most children living in urban communities often suffer from violence. For example, in Oakland, Calif., Tokuda’s report focuses on Bay Area cities, two-thirds of the city’s murders occurred in East Auckland, a poor area. At Fremont High School, students are often seen wearing a tribute card around their neck to celebrate life and mourn the death of a dead friend. School teachers report that students suffer from depression, stress and refusal to happen around them. Like all people with post-traumatic stress disorder, teachers notice that anything can trigger a student to incite violence. In 2013, the radio show “American Life” detailed the trauma of youth caused by daily gun violence in a two-part radio broadcast at Harper High School in the Englewood community in the Southern District of Chicago. We report from public health research and reports in Auckland and Chicago that PTSD is a serious public health problem for young people in the inner city of the United States. In terms of geographical apartheid, this also means that adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder are definitely a problem for young people of color. There is a problem with the term “hood disease.”


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