最后,人类学与社会学之间的一个重要区别是,前者的目标是理解人类的多样性和文化差异,而后者则更注重解决方案,目标是通过政策解决社会问题。 人类学专业和社会学学生一样,追求各种各样的职业。 这些学位中的任何一个都可以成为教师,公共部门员工或学术界的职业。 主修社会学的学生经常继续在非营利组织或政府组织工作,学位可以成为政治,公共管理或法律职业的踏脚石。 虽然企业部门在社会学专业中并不常见,但一些人类学学生发现了进行市场调查的工作。


Finally, an important difference between anthropology and sociology is that the former aims to understand human diversity and cultural differences, while the latter focuses more on solutions, with the goal of solving social problems through policies. Anthropology, like sociology students, pursues a variety of careers. Any of these degrees can be a profession for teachers, public sector employees, or academia. Students majoring in sociology often continue to work in non-profit organizations or government organizations, and degrees can be a stepping stone to politics, public administration, or legal professions. Although the corporate sector is not common in the sociology profession, some anthropological students have found work to conduct market research.



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