在整个南方,个人群体会要求因种族原因而被拒绝的服务。坐姿是一种流行的抗议形式。北卡罗来纳州格林斯博罗的第一个也是最着名的一个,一群大学生,无论是白人还是黑人,都要求在Woolworth的午餐柜台服务,该柜台应该是隔离的。大学生群体将乘坐州际航空公司,以抗议州际公共汽车上的隔离。约翰·肯尼迪总统实际上提供了联邦警察帮助保护南部的自由骑士。 1963年8月28日,25万名黑人和白人聚集在林肯纪念堂,抗议种族隔离。正是在这里,国王发表了他着名而激动人心的“我有一个梦想……”的演讲。这是一个驱动器的组合,以帮助黑人注册投票。南方的许多地区都不允许非洲裔美国人注册,从而剥夺了非洲裔美国人的基本投票权。他们使用各种手段,包括识字测试和更多公开手段,如Ku Klux Klan等团体的恐吓。三名志愿者James Chaney,Michael Schwerner和Andrew Goodman被谋杀,七名KKK成员被判谋杀。


Throughout the South, individual groups will ask for services that are rejected for racial reasons. Sitting posture is a popular form of protest. The first and most famous of Greensboro, North Carolina, a group of college students, white or black, are required to serve at Woolworth’s lunch counter, which should be isolated. The group of college students will take an interstate airline to protest the isolation on the interstate bus. President John F. Kennedy actually provided the federal police to help protect the free knights in the south. On August 28, 1963, 250,000 black and white people gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to protest against apartheid. It was here that the King delivered his famous and exciting speech “I have a dream…”. This is a combination of drives to help blacks register to vote. African-Americans are not allowed to register in many parts of the South, depriving African Americans of basic voting rights. They use a variety of means, including literacy testing and more public means, such as the intimidation of groups such as Ku Klux Klan. Three volunteers, James Chaney, Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman, were murdered and seven KKK members were convicted of murder.



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