

Senator Warren opposed many of the Trump administration’s policies and publicly talked about Trump’s own conflict of interest and misconduct. Warren was also involved in a headline manufacturing scandal that stemmed from her claim to Native American heritage, which she repeated in a few years. When Warren conducted DNA tests to confirm the existence of an aboriginal ancestor, tribal leaders criticized the use of DNA test results as a way to claim Native American identity, a controversy that was more complicated. Warren apologized for handling the dispute and clarified that she understood the difference between the ancestors and the actual tribal members. In 2018, Warren won an overwhelming victory and won 60% of the votes. Soon after, there was news that she had formed a discovery committee to run for president in 2020; she confirmed her candidacy in February 2019. Her platform is based on transparent policy advice and a coalition of working class, union workers, women and immigrants, who positions herself as a stark contrast to the contemporary Republican-led Trump party.



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