

The term difference (also known as spread) represents the difference between the long-term interest rate and the short-term interest rate of a debt instrument such as a bond. In order to understand the importance of the price difference, we must first understand the bond. The term spread is most commonly used to compare and evaluate two bonds, namely fixed-interest financial assets issued by governments, companies, utilities and other large entities. A bond is a fixed-income security through which an investor basically borrows the issuer’s capital within a specified period of time in exchange for a promise to repay the original note amount plus interest. The owners of these bonds become creditors or creditors of the issuer because the entity issues bonds as a means of raising funds or financing special projects. Personal bonds are usually issued at face value, usually at a face value of $100 or $1,000. This constitutes the bond principal. When the bonds are issued, they receive an established interest rate or coupon that reflects the prevailing interest rate environment at the time. The coupon reflects the additional interest paid by the issuing entity in addition to repaying the principal of the bond or borrowing at maturity, as well as the interest paid to its bondholders. As with any loan or debt instrument, the bond will also be issued on the maturity date or on the date the contract requires full repayment of the bondholder.


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