柏林墙的总长度为91英里(155公里)。它不仅可以通过柏林市中心,还可以包裹西柏林,完全切断东德其他地区。在28年的历史中,隔离墙本身经历了四次重大转变。它最初是一个带有混凝土柱的带刺铁丝网。几天之后,即8月15日,它很快被更坚固,更永久的结构所取代。这个是用混凝土块做成的,顶部是带刺铁丝网。墙的前两个版本在1965年被第三个版本取代。这个版本由钢梁支撑的混凝土墙组成。柏林墙的第四个版本建于1975年至1980年,是最复杂和最彻底的。它由高达近12英尺(3.6米)和4英尺宽(1.2米)的混凝土板组成。它还有一条平滑的管道穿过顶部,阻碍人们缩放它。当柏林墙在1989年倒塌时,有一个300英尺的无人区和一个额外的内墙。士兵巡逻的狗和一个倾斜的地面显示了脚印。东德人还安装了反车辆战壕,电围栏,大型照明系统,302个了望塔,20个掩体,甚至还有雷区。多年来,东德政府的宣传说,东德人民欢迎隔离墙。实际上,他们所遭受的压迫以及他们面临的潜在后果使许多人无法说出相反的观点。虽然东西方之间的大部分边界都包含多层预防措施,但柏林墙沿线的官方开口只有少数几个。这些检查站是为了不经常使用官员和其他有特殊许可过境的人员。其中最着名的是查理检查站,位于弗里德里希大街东柏林和西柏林的边界。查理检查站是盟军人员和西方人越过边境的主要通道。柏林墙建成后不久,查理检查站就成了冷战的象征。在此期间,它经常出现在电影和书籍中。柏林墙确实阻止了大多数东德人移居西方,但并没有阻止所有人。在柏林墙的历史中,估计有大约5000人安全穿过。一些早期的成功尝试很简单,比如在柏林墙上扔一根绳子并爬上去。其他人则很莽撞,比如用卡车或公共汽车撞向柏林墙并为此奔波。然而,其他人有些自杀,因为有些人从柏林墙边界的公寓楼的高层窗户跳下来。 1961年9月,这些建筑物的窗户被打开,连接东西的下水道被关闭。其他建筑被拆除,以便为所谓Todeslinie,“死亡线”或“死亡地带”腾出空间。这个开放区域允许直接射击,因此东德士兵可以执行Shiessbefehl,1960年命令,他们将射击任何试图逃跑的人。第一年内有29人丧生。随着柏林墙变得越来越强大,逃跑的尝试变得更加精心策划。有些人从东柏林的建筑物地下室,柏林墙下,以及西柏林挖掘隧道。另一组救了一块布,然后制了一个热气球飞过了隔离墙。不幸的是,并非所有逃跑尝试都成功。由于东德守卫被允许在没有任何警告的情况下射击靠近东部的任何人,所以任何逃跑地块都有可能死亡。据估计,柏林墙上有192至239人死亡。


The total length of the Berlin Wall is 91 miles (155 km). It can not only pass through the city centre of Berlin, but also wrap it in West Berlin, completely cutting off other parts of East Germany. In the 28-year history, the wall itself has undergone four major changes. It was originally a barbed wire with concrete columns. A few days later, on August 15, it was quickly replaced by a stronger, more permanent structure. This is made of concrete blocks with a barbed wire at the top. The first two versions of the wall were replaced by the third version in 1965. This version consists of a concrete wall supported by steel beams. The fourth version of the Berlin Wall was built between 1975 and 1980 and is the most complex and thorough. It consists of concrete slabs up to nearly 12 feet (3.6 meters) and 4 feet wide (1.2 meters). It also has a smooth pipe that passes through the top, preventing people from scaling it. When the Berlin Wall collapsed in 1989, there was a 300-foot no man’s land and an additional interior wall. Soldiers patrolling the dog and a sloping ground showed footprints. The East Germans also installed anti-vehicle trenches, electric fences, large lighting systems, 302 watch towers, 20 bunkers, and even minefields. Over the years, the East German government’s propaganda said that the East German people welcomed the wall. In fact, the oppression they suffered and the potential consequences they faced made many people unable to say the opposite. Although most of the borders between East and West contain multiple layers of precautions, there are only a few official openings along the Berlin Wall. These checkpoints are designed to infrequently use officials and other personnel with special permission to transit. The most famous of these is the Checkpoint Charlie, located on the border of Friedrichstrasse East Berlin and West Berlin. The Charlie checkpoint is the main passage for allied personnel and Westerners to cross the border. Shortly after the completion of the Berlin Wall, the Charlie checkpoint became a symbol of the Cold War. In the meantime, it often appears in movies and books. The Berlin Wall did prevent most East Germans from moving to the West, but did not stop everyone. In the history of the Berlin Wall, an estimated 5,000 people passed safely. Some early successful attempts were simple, such as throwing a rope on the Berlin Wall and climbing up. Others are very rash, such as hitting the Berlin Wall with a truck or bus and running for it. However, some others committed suicide because some people jumped from the high-rise windows of the apartment building on the border of the Berlin Wall. In September 1961, the windows of these buildings were opened and the sewers connecting the things were closed. Other buildings were demolished to make room for the so-called Todeslinie, the “death line” or the “death zone”. This open area allows for direct shooting, so East German soldiers can execute Shiessbefehl, a 1960 order, and they will shoot anyone who tries to escape. Twenty-nine people were killed in the first year. As the Berlin Wall became more powerful, the attempt to escape became more elaborate. Some people dig tunnels from the basement of buildings in East Berlin, under the Berlin Wall, and in West Berlin. The other group saved a piece of cloth and made a hot air balloon flying over the wall. Unfortunately, not all escape attempts are successful. Since the East German Guard is allowed to shoot anyone close to the East without any warning, any escaped plot may die. It is estimated that 192 to 239 people died on the Berlin Wall.


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