优胜美地是美国最早的国家公园之一,于1864年通过了保护它的立法。该公园的1,200平方英里遍布着瀑布,草地,悬崖和不寻常的岩层。 三个红杉林和三个山地草甸邀请露营和徒步旅行,先锋优胜美地历史中心包含一个活生生的历史组成部分,穿着的医生描述了最近的过去。 卡布里洛国家纪念碑位于洛马角半岛,是圣地亚哥湾入口处的天然保护屏障。 这座纪念碑以西班牙征服者胡安·罗德里格斯·卡布里洛(Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo)的名字命名,他是1542年第一个踏上美国西海岸的欧洲人。卡布里洛拥有南加州最受保护且易于到达的岩石潮间带地区之一, 生态系统介于高潮和低潮之间。 建于1854年的灯塔仍然矗立着,太平洋灰鲸在冬天已经过去了。


Yosemite was one of the earliest national parks in the United States, and in 1864 passed legislation to protect it. The park’s 1,200 square miles are filled with waterfalls, meadows, cliffs and unusual rock formations. Three redwood forests and three mountain meadows invite camping and hiking, and the Pioneer Yosemite Historical Center contains a living historical component that is worn by doctors to describe the recent past. The Cabrillo National Monument is located on the Point Loma Peninsula and is a natural protective barrier at the entrance to the San Diego Bay. The monument is named after the Spanish conquistador Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, the first European to set foot on the west coast of the United States in 1542. Cabrillo has one of the most protected and easily accessible rock intertidal zones in Southern California, with ecosystems between high and low tides. The lighthouse built in 1854 is still standing, and the Pacific Grey Whale has passed in the winter.


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