审美态度是一种只考虑对象而没有其他目的的状态。 因此,对于大多数作者而言,审美态度是没有目的的:除了找到审美享受之外,我们没有其他理由参与其中。 可以通过感官来进行审美欣赏:看着雕塑,盛开的树木或曼哈顿的天际线; 听普契尼的《波希米亚人》; 品尝蘑菇烩饭; 在炎热的天气中感觉凉爽的水; 等等。 然而,为了获得美学态度,可能不需要感官。 例如,我们可以想象一个从未存在的美丽房屋,或者发现或掌握代数中一个复杂定理的细节而感到高兴。


Aesthetic attitude is a state that only considers the object and has no other purpose. Therefore, for most authors, aesthetic attitudes have no purpose: we have no reason to participate except to find aesthetic enjoyment. Aesthetic appreciation through the senses: looking at sculptures, blooming trees or the skyline of Manhattan; listening to Puccini’s “Bohemians”; tasting mushroom risotto; feeling cool water in hot weather; etc. Wait. However, in order to obtain an aesthetic attitude, the senses may not be needed. For example, we can imagine a beautiful house that never existed or be happy to discover or master the details of a complex theorem in algebra.



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