Roosevelt Campobello国际公园位于缅因州海岸的Campobello岛,正对着加拿大新不伦瑞克省的国际边界。 该公园包括2,800英亩的田野和森林,沿海岬角,岩石海岸,鹅卵石海滩和泥炭沼泽,但它最出名的是美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福(1862-1945)在小时候度过夏天的地方。 一个成年人。 1881年,一个由波士顿和纽约商人组成的财团购买了该岛的北部作为开发项目,并建造了三家豪华酒店。 Campobello岛成为来自美国和加拿大城市富裕人士的旅游圣地,他们将家人带到海滨度假胜地以避开炎热的夏季。 几个家庭,如富兰克林罗斯福的父母詹姆斯和萨拉罗斯福,购买了土地,然后翻新现有的房屋或建造新的,大型的“小屋”。


Roosevelt Campobello International Park is located on Campobello Island on the Maine coast, facing the international border of New Brunswick, Canada. The park includes 2,800 acres of fields and forests, coastal horns, rocky coasts, pebble beaches and peat bogs, but it is best known for the time when American President Franklin Roosevelt (1862-1945) spent the summer in his childhood. An adult. In 1881, a consortium of Boston and New York merchants purchased the northern part of the island as a development and built three luxury hotels. Campobello Island has become a tourist destination for wealthy Americans from the United States and Canada, bringing their families to seaside resorts to avoid the hot summer months. Several families, such as Franklin Roosevelt’s parents James and Sarah Roosevelt, purchased the land and then refurbished existing homes or built new, large “huts.”



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