海滩上的一天可能看起来很田园,直到你意识到我们称之为地球的大理石的蓝色部分比其深处的所有鲨鱼都要致命。海洋有各种各样的方式导致ELEs。甲烷包合物(由水和甲烷制成的分子)有时会从大陆架上脱落,产生甲烷喷发,称为笼形喷枪。 “枪”将大量的温室气体甲烷喷射到大气中。这些事件与最终二叠纪灭绝和古新世 – 始新世最大热量有关。海平面上升或下降的延长也会导致物种灭绝。海平面下降更加阴险,因为暴露大陆架会杀死无数海洋物种。这反过来又扰乱了陆地生态系统,导致了ELE。海洋中的化学不平衡也会导致灭绝事件。当海洋的中间或上层变得缺氧时,就会发生死亡的连锁反应。奥陶纪 – 志留纪,晚泥盆世,二叠纪 – 三叠纪和三叠纪 – 侏罗纪的物种灭绝都包括缺氧事件。有时,必需的微量元素(例如硒)的水平下降,导致大规模灭绝。有时,热通风口中的硫酸盐还原菌会失去控制,释放过量的硫化氢,从而削弱臭氧层,使生命暴露于致命的紫外线。海洋也经历了周期性的翻转,其中高盐度的地表水沉入深处。缺氧深水上升,杀死表面生物。晚泥盆纪和二叠纪 – 三叠纪的物种灭绝与海洋倾覆有关。海滩现在看起来不那么好,是吗?


The day on the beach may seem idyllic until you realize that the blue part of the marble we call the Earth is deadly than all the sharks in its depth. The ocean has a variety of ways to lead to ELEs. Methane clathrates (molecules made from water and methane) sometimes fall off the continental shelf and produce a methane eruption called a cage spray gun. The “gun” sprays a large amount of greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere. These events were related to the final Permian extinction and the Paleocene-Eocene maximum heat. Prolonged sea level rise or fall can also lead to species extinction. Sea level decline is even more insidious, as exposure to the continental shelf kills countless marine species. This in turn disrupts the terrestrial ecosystem and leads to ELE. Chemical imbalances in the ocean can also lead to extinction events. When the middle or upper layer of the ocean becomes hypoxic, a chain reaction of death occurs. Ordovician – Silurian, Late Devonian, Permian – Triassic and Triassic – Jurassic species extinctions include anoxic events. Sometimes, the level of essential trace elements (such as selenium) drops, leading to mass extinction. Sometimes, sulfate-reducing bacteria in hot vents lose control and release excess hydrogen sulfide, which weakens the ozone layer and exposes life to deadly ultraviolet light. The ocean has also undergone periodic flipping, in which high salinity surface water sinks deep. Anoxic deep water rises and kills surface organisms. The late Devonian and Permian-Triassic extinctions were associated with ocean overturning. The beach doesn’t look so good now, is it?


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