乔治亚理工学院:佐治亚理工学院是全美顶级公立大学之一,它在所有工程领域都有很高的排名。生物医学工程也不例外。该大学的亚特兰大大学是一个真正的资产,BME项目与邻近的埃默里大学有着强大的研究和教育合作关系。该计划强调基于问题的学习,设计和独立研究,因此学生毕业时有大量的实践经验。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University):约翰霍普金斯大学并不是典型的最佳工程项目,但生物医学工程是一个明显的例外。 JHU经常在BME排名第一。该大学长期以来一直是从本科到博士水平的生物和健康科学的领导者。 11个附属中心和研究所的研究机会比比皆是,大学为其新的BME设计工作室感到自豪 – 这是一个开放式的工作空间,学生可以在那里见面,集体讨论并创建生物医学设备的原型。麻省理工学院:麻省理工学院每年毕业约50名生物医学工程师,另外50名来自BME研究生课程。该研究所长期以来一直有一个资金充足的计划来支持和鼓励本科研究,本科生可以与学校的10个附属研究中心的研究生,教师和医疗专业人员一起工作。


Georgia Institute of Technology: Georgia Institute of Technology is one of the top public universities in the United States, and it ranks high in all engineering fields. Biomedical engineering is no exception. The University of Atlanta is a true asset and the BME program has a strong research and educational partnership with the nearby Emory University. The program emphasizes problem-based learning, design, and independent research, so students have a lot of hands-on experience when they graduate. Johns Hopkins University: Johns Hopkins University is not a typical best engineering project, but biomedical engineering is a notable exception. JHU is often ranked first in the BME. The university has long been a leader in biology and health sciences from undergraduate to doctoral level. Research opportunities at 11 affiliated centers and research institutes abound, and the university is proud of its new BME design studio – an open workspace where students can meet, brainstorm and create prototypes of biomedical devices . Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT graduates about 50 biomedical engineers each year, and another 50 from BME graduate programs. The Institute has long had a well-funded program to support and encourage undergraduate research, and undergraduate students can work with graduate students, teachers and medical professionals in the school’s 10 affiliated research centers.


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