

If you’ve seen the movie “2012” or “the end of the world” or read “on the beach,” you’ll know some threats that might end your life. The sun can do something annoying. Meteors may hit. We can free ourselves from being. These are just some of the well-known extinction events. There are still many ways to die! But first, what exactly is the extinction event? The extinction level event or ELE is a disaster that causes most species on the planet to become extinct. This is not the normal extinction of the species that occurs every day. It is not necessarily the sterilization of all organisms. We can identify major extinction events by examining rock sediments and chemical composition, fossil records, and evidence of major events on satellites and other planets. There are many phenomena that can lead to a wide range of extinctions, but they can be divided into several categories: life is as we know, no sun does not exist, but to be honest. The sun uses it for the earth. Even if other disasters on this list have not happened, the sun will end us. Stars like the sun burn brighter over time as they fuse hydrogen into helium. In another billion years, it will be about 10% brighter. Although this does not seem to matter, it will cause more water to evaporate. Water is a greenhouse gas, so it captures heat in the atmosphere, causing more evaporation. Sunlight breaks down water into hydrogen and oxygen, so it can flow into space. If any life survives, when the sun enters the red giant stage, it will encounter a fiery fate that extends to Mars orbit. It is unlikely to survive inside the sun.


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