自1916年以来,Le Rosey的学生们一月到三月一直在格施塔德的山区度过,以逃避冬季降临日内瓦湖的雾气。在一个童话般的环境中,学生们住在宜人的小木屋里,Roseans度过了早晨的课程,下午在新鲜的空气中享受滑雪和滑冰。他们还使用室内健身中心和冰球场。据报道,学校正在寻求将其冬季校园搬迁至格施塔德。所有学生都参加国际文凭课程(IB)或法国学士学位课程。学生被称为Roseans,可以用法语或英语学习所有科目,他们享有5:1的学生与教师比例。为了确保为学生提供真正的国际教育,学校只接受来自任何一个国家的400名7至18岁学生中的10%,并且学生团体中有大约60个国家。学校教育欧洲一些最知名的家庭,包括罗斯柴尔德家族和Radziwills家庭。此外,学校的校友还包括许多君主,如摩纳哥的兰尼埃三世亲王,比利时的阿尔贝二世国王和阿迦汗四世。着名的学生家长包括伊丽莎白泰勒,亚里士多德奥纳西斯,大卫尼文,戴安娜罗斯和约翰列侬等无数人。温斯顿丘吉尔是学校学生的祖父。有趣的是,朱利安·卡萨布兰卡斯和小奥尔伯特·哈蒙德,这些乐队成员都在Le Rosey会面。这所学校已经出现在无数小说中,如Bret Easton Ellis的American Psycho(1991)和回答祷告:Truman Capote的未完成小说。


Since 1916, Le Rosey’s students have spent the months in the mountains of Gstaad from January to March to escape the fog of Lake Geneva in winter. In a fairytale environment, students live in a pleasant log cabin, Roseans spends the morning classes and enjoys skiing and ice skating in the fresh air in the afternoon. They also use an indoor fitness center and an ice hockey arena. According to reports, the school is seeking to relocate its winter campus to Gstaad. All students take an International Baccalaureate (IB) or a French Bachelor degree. Known as Roseans, students can study all subjects in French or English, and they have a 5:1 ratio of students to teachers. To ensure true international education for students, the school accepts only 10% of the 400 7-18 year old students from any country, and there are approximately 60 countries in the student body. The school educates some of Europe’s most well-known families, including the Rothschild family and the Radziwills family. In addition, the school’s alumni include many monarchs, such as Prince Rainier III of Monaco, King Albert II of Belgium and Aga Khan IV. Well-known student parents include Elizabeth Taylor, Aristotle Onassis, David Niven, Diana Ross and John Lennon. Winston Churchill is the grandfather of the school’s students. Interestingly, Julian Casablanca and Little Albert Hammond, these band members met at Le Rosey. The school has appeared in countless novels, such as Bret Easton Ellis’ American Psycho (1991) and answering prayer: Truman Capote’s unfinished novel.


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