就像营销人员根据客户的信息来达到某些人口统计信息一样,人体测量学可以使用来自给定人口统计信息的信息来获得更准确的结果。 例如,儿科医生每次在年度检查期间对孩子进行测量时,他或她都会尝试确定孩子如何对同龄人进行测量。 通过这种方法,如果子A的身高在第80个百分位,则如果您排列100个子A,则子A会比其中80个高。 医生可以使用这些数字来确定孩子是否在人口的既定范围内成长。 如果随着时间的流逝,孩子的成长始终处于规模的高端或低端,那就不一定要引起关注。 但是,如果一个孩子随着时间的推移表现出不稳定的生长方式,并且他的测量值超出了极限,则可能表明存在异常。


Just as marketers reach certain demographics based on customer information, anthropometrics can use information from a given demographic to get more accurate results. For example, every time a pediatrician measures a child during an annual exam, he or she tries to determine how the child is measuring his peers. In this way, if the height of child A is in the 80th percentile, if you arrange 100 child A, child A will be higher than 80 of them. Doctors can use these numbers to determine if a child is growing within a defined range of the population. If your child’s growth is always at the high or low end of the scale over time, it doesn’t have to be a concern. However, if a child shows an unstable growth pattern over time and his measurements exceed the limits, it may indicate an abnormality.



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