

In the late 20th century, people no longer studied non-Western music that was only “traditional”, and this music was considered to be “unpolluted” in contact with the West. Massive contemporary pop music production forms (rap, salsa, rock, African-American pop music) have become important research objects, and the traditions of Javanese songs, Indian Stanley classical music and West African drums are also deeply studied. in this way. Ethnomusicists have also turned their attention to more contemporary issues that intersect with music creation, such as globalization, immigration, technology/media and social conflict. Ethnomusicology has made significant progress in higher education institutions, and dozens of postgraduate courses have been established, and ethnomusicologists at many major universities are serving as teachers. Ethnomusicology believes that music can provide meaningful insights for a wider range of cultures or people. Another basic concept is cultural relativism, which holds that no culture/music is inherently more valuable or better than another. Ethnomusicologists avoid assigning value judgments such as “good” or “bad” to music practice.��;ՒQ



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