

As the case of Singapore shows, Rostow’s model still provides a basis for the success of some countries’ economic development. However, his model has a lot of criticism. Although Rostow explained the belief in the capitalist system, scholars criticized him for favoring the Western model as the only way to develop. Rostow has developed five succinct steps for development, and critics point out that all countries have not developed in this linear way; some skip steps or take different paths. Rostow’s theory can be categorized as “top-down” or emphasize the modernization effect from urban industry and Western influence to the development of the entire country. Later theorists challenged this approach, emphasizing a “bottom-up” development model in which countries strive for self-sufficiency through local efforts, while urban industries are not necessary. Rostow also assumes that all countries want to develop in the same way, with the ultimate goal of mass consumption, ignoring the diversity of priorities that each society has and the different development measures.


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