在灾难发生后的5月14-18天之前,戈尔巴乔夫发表了他的第一份正式公开声明,称他在切尔诺贝利发生了一次“不幸”事件,并将西方媒体的报道视为“恶意谎言”的“非常不道德的竞选”。 在辐射区及其他地区的人们报告说受到辐射中毒的影响,共产党宣传的谎言暴露无遗。 结果,公众对政府和政府的信任被打破了。 几十年后,戈尔巴乔夫称切尔诺贝利“可能是五年后苏联解体的真正原因。”当苏联解散时,苏联由15个独立的宪法共和国组成。 在每个共和国内,不同种族,文化和宗教的公民往往彼此不和。 特别是在东欧的外围共和国,苏联多数人对少数民族的歧视造成了持续的紧张局势。


Prior to May 14-18, after the disaster, Gorbachev published his first official public statement, saying that he had an “unfortunate” incident in Chernobyl and would be in the Western media. The report is considered a “very unethical campaign” for “malicious lies.” People in the radiation zone and other areas reported being affected by radiation poisoning, and the lie of the Communist Party’s propaganda was exposed. As a result, public trust in government and government has been broken. A few decades later, Gorbachev called Chernobyl “probably the real reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union five years later.” When the Soviet Union was dissolved, the Soviet Union consisted of 15 independent constitutional republics. Within each republic, citizens of different races, cultures and religions often disagree with each other. Especially in the peripheral republics of Eastern Europe, the majority of the Soviet Union’s discrimination against ethnic minorities has caused constant tension.



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