算法在任何数学课程中都占有重要地位。古老的策略涉及死记忆古代算法;但现代教师多年来也开始开发课程,以有效地教授算法的思想,通过将复杂问题分解为一系列程序步骤,有多种方法可以解决复杂问题。允许孩子创造性地发明解决问题的方法被称为开发算法思维。当老师看着学生做数学时,向他们提出一个很好的问题是“你能想到一个更短的方法吗?”让孩子们创造自己的方法来解决问题,可以提高他们的思维和分析能力。学习如何操作程序以提高它们的效率是许多领域努力的重要技能。计算机科学不断改进算术和代数方程,使计算机更有效地运行;但厨师们也是如此,他们不断改进他们的工艺,制作出最好的配方来制作扁豆汤或山核桃馅饼。其他示例包括在线约会,其中用户填写关于他或她的偏好和特征的表格,并且算法使用这些选择来挑选完美的潜在配偶。计算机视频游戏使用算法来讲述故事:用户做出决定,计算机根据该决定制定下一步。 GPS系统使用算法​​来平衡来自多颗卫星的读数,以确定您的确切位置和SUV的最佳路线。 Google会根据您的搜索使用一种算法,在您的指导下推送适当的广告。今天的一些作家甚至将21世纪称为算法时代。它们今天是应对我们每天产生的大量数据的一种方式。


Algorithms have an important place in any mathematics curriculum. Age-old strategies involve rote memorization of ancient algorithms; but modern teachers have also begun to develop curriculum over the years to effectively teach the idea of algorithms, that there are multiple ways of resolving complex issues by breaking them into a set of procedural steps. Allowing a child to creatively invent ways of resolving problems is known as developing algorithmic thinking. When teachers watch students do their math, a great question to pose to them is “Can you think of a shorter way to do that?” Allowing children to create their own methods to resolve issues stretches their thinking and analytical skills. Learning how to operationalize procedures to make them more efficient is an important skill in many fields of endeavor. Computer science continually improves upon arithmetic and algebraic equations to make computers run more efficiently; but so do chefs, who continually improve their processes to make the best recipe for making a lentil soup or a pecan pie. Other examples include online dating, where the user fills out a form about his or her preferences and characteristics, and an algorithm uses those choices to pick a perfect potential mate. Computer video games use algorithms to tell a story: the user makes a decision, and the computer bases the next steps on that decision. GPS systems use algorithms to balance readings from several satellites to identify your exact location and the best route for your SUV. Google uses an algorithm based on your searches to push appropriate advertising in your direction. Some writers today are even calling the 21st century the Age of Algorithms. They are today a way to cope with the massive amounts of data we are generating daily.


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