据Zajonc和他的同事们说,之所以会出现纯粹的曝光效果,是因为反复地在同一个人,图像或物体上曝光会降低我们所感觉到的不确定性。 根据这个想法(基于进化心理学),我们准备谨慎对待新事物,因为它们可能会对我们构成危险。 但是,当我们一遍又一遍地看到同一件事并且没有发生任何不良情况时,我们开始意识到没有什么可害怕的。 换句话说,发生暴露效应是因为与新事物(可能具有危险)相比,我们对熟悉的事物更加满意。 例如,想想一个您经常在大厅经过的邻居,但是除了交换短暂的欢乐时,还没有停止与之交谈。 即使您对这个人一无所知,您也可能会对他们有正面的印象-只是因为您定期看过他们,并且从未发生过不良的互动。


According to Zajonc and his colleagues, the reason for the pure exposure effect is that repeated exposure on the same person, image or object reduces the uncertainty we feel. Based on this idea (based on evolutionary psychology), we are prepared to treat new things with caution, as they may pose a danger to us. But when we saw the same thing over and over again and nothing bad happened, we started to realize that there was nothing to be afraid of. In other words, the exposure effect occurs because we are more satisfied with things we are familiar with than new things that can be dangerous. For example, think of a neighbor you often pass by in the lobby, but you haven’t stopped talking to it except for a brief exchange of joy. Even if you know nothing about this person, you may have a positive impression of them-just because you have seen them regularly and have never had bad interactions.



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