事实证明,这个概念对遵循Weber的社会理论家和研究人员很有用。 最值得注意的是,与20世纪中叶活跃的德国法兰克福学派有关的批判理论家详细阐述了这一概念。 他们目睹了进一步的技术发展及其对资本主义生产和文化的影响,并看到这些只会增强铁笼子塑造和约束行为和思想的能力。 韦伯的概念对当今的社会学家仍然很重要,因为技术思想,实践,关系和资本主义(现已成为一个全球体系)的铁笼子没有任何迹象表明会很快瓦解。 铁笼的影响导致一些非常严重的问题,社会科学家和其他人正在努力解决。 例如,我们如何克服铁笼子的力量来应对由铁笼子本身产生的气候变化威胁?


This concept has proven useful for social theorists and researchers who follow Weber. Most notably, the concept was elaborated by critical theorists in connection with the active German Frankfurt School in the mid-20th century. They have witnessed further technological developments and their impact on capitalist production and culture, and have seen that these will only enhance the capacity of iron cages to shape and restrain behavior and thought. Weber’s concept is still important to sociologists today, as the iron cage of technical thought, practice, relationships, and capitalism (now a global system) shows no sign that it will soon disintegrate. The impact of the iron cage has caused some very serious problems that social scientists and others are working to solve. For example, how can we overcome the power of iron cages to deal with the threat of climate change created by the iron cages themselves?



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