定义:Panth是一种词义,如在道路或道路上,以及教派,宗派或宗教社会被认为是精神道路上的旅行者或追随者。在锡克教中,术语panth通常具有宗教含义。 Panth经常与Sikh和Khalsa一起使用:Sikh Panth指的是全世界锡克教徒的整个社会,社区,团契或宗教团体。 Khalsa Panthor Commonwealth指所有发起的Khalsa Sikhs,但不一定排除没有采取措施成为发起者的锡克教徒。相反,它可以将卡尔萨指定为整个锡克教徒的头部,父母是同一姓氏的家庭主管。 Guru Panth融合了所有遵循Guru Granth Sahib的十位大师和经文的教导。
Panthee – Panth的成员,属于锡克教徒联邦社区的团契和社会。 Panthik – 通过社会,教派或教派的参与和投入。 Panthik决定是通过整个Panth或整个Panth的代表在全包的panthik委员会或律师中做出的决定。 Sikh Reht Maryada,行为准则和惯例是一个panthik文件。 Panj Pyare是Panthik律师的代表,总是有五位顾问。发音:a是panth很短,听起来像Pu中的u。第n个就像是黑豹的第n个。常见的拼写错误:裤子,路径。 panth这个词在锡克教经文中多次出现,并且可能引用一个宗教派别,一种崇拜方式,一种特殊的精神道路或宗教生活中追随的道路,或仅仅是一条道路或道路:“Manai mag na chalai panth。忠实的人不遵循空洞的宗教仪式。“ “Ho panth dasaa-ee nit kharr-ee ko-ee prabh dasae tin jaao。我站在路边,问路。如果只有人能告诉我通往上帝的道路 – 我会和他一起去。” SGGS || 41“Buraa bhalaa na pachhaanai praanee aagai panth karaaraa凡人不区分善恶,前方的道路是危险的。” SGGS || 77“Merai hee-a-rai preet raam raae kee gur maarag panth bataa-i-aa。我心中充满了对主权君王的爱;大师向我展示了寻找他的道路和方式。 “ SGGS。 172“Bharam jaraae charaa-ee bibhootaa panth ek kar pekh-i-aa。我已经烧毁了我的怀疑,用灰烬涂抹了我的身体。我的道路是看到唯一的主。” SGGS || 208


Definition: Panth is a word meaning way as in roadway or pathway, and sect, denomination, or religious society considered travelers on, or followers, of a spiritual path. In Sikhism, the term panth usually has a religious connotation. Panth is often used in conjunction with the terms Sikh and Khalsa: Sikh Panth refers to the entire society, community, fellowship or religious body of Sikhs all around the world. Khalsa Panthor Commonwealth refers to all initiated Khalsa Sikhs, but does not necessarily exclude Sikhs who have not taken steps to become initiated. Rather it could designate Khalsa as the head of the entire Sikh Panth, the way parents are the head of the family who shares the same last name. Guru Panth incorporates all who follow the teachings of the ten gurus and scripture of Guru Granth Sahib. Panthee – A member of the Panth, one who belongs to the fellowship and society of the Sikh commonwealth community. Panthik – By way of involvement and input from a society, sect, or denomination. A panthik decision is one made by way of the entire Panth or representatives of the entire Panth in an all inclusive panthik committee or counsel. Sikh Reht Maryada, the code of conduct and conventions is a panthik document. The Panj Pyare are representatives of a panthik counsel which always numbers five consultants. Pronunciation: The a is panth is short and sounds like the u in Punt. The nth is like the nth of Panther. Common Misspellings: Pant, path. The word panth appears numerous times in Sikh scripture and may reference a religious sect, a way of worship, a particular spiritual path or road followed in religious life, or simply just a path, or road followed: “Manai mag na chalai panth. The faithful do not follow empty religious rituals.” “Ho panth dasaa-ee nit kharr-ee ko-ee prabh dasae tin jaao. I stand by the wayside and ask the Way. If only someone would show me the Way to God-I would go with him.” SGGS||41 “Buraa bhalaa na pachhaanai praanee aagai panth karaaraa Mortal beings do not distinguish between good and evil, and the road ahead is treacherous.” SGGS||77 “Merai hee-a-rai preet raam raae kee gur maarag panth bataa-i-aa.My heart is filled with love for the Sovereign Lord King; the Guru has shown me the path and the way to find Him.” SGGS. 172 “Bharam jaraae charaa-ee bibhootaa panth ek kar pekh-i-aa. I have burnt my doubt, and smeared my body with the ashes. My path is to see the One and Only Lord.” SGGS||208


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