人类学的研究是对人类的研究:他们的文化,他们的行为,他们的信仰,他们的生存方式。以下是人类学家和其他人类学的其他定义的集合,这些定义致力于定义和描述亚历山大·波普(Alexander Pope,1688-1744)所谓的“对人类的正确研究” – 曼。 “’人类学’不是主题而是主题之间的联系。它是部分历史,部分文学;部分是自然科学,部分是社会科学;它力求从内到外研究男性;它代表了一种方式看着人类和人类的视野 – 最科学的人文科学,最科学的人文主义者。“ – 埃里克沃尔夫,人类学,1964年。”人类学传统上试图通过将自己视为关于这个核心问题的妥协立场。最科学的人文科学和最科学的人文科学。这种妥协一直以来都是人类学以外的人所特有的,但今天它对于学科内部的人来说看起来越来越不稳定。“ – 詹姆斯威廉莱特。科学理性与人类学:理性探究的原则。罗曼和利特菲尔德,1997年。“人类学是对人类的研究。在所有研究人类存在和成就方面的学科中,只有人类学探索了从人类起源到当代文化和社会生活形式的人类经验的全景。” – 佛罗里达大学“人类学家试图回答这个问题:”如何解释目前在地球上发现的人类文化的多样性以及它们是如何进化的?“鉴于我们必须在下一代或两代内迅速改变对于人类学家来说,这是一个非常相关的问题。“ –  Michael Scullin”人类学是对世界各地人类多样性的研究。人类学家研究社会制度,文化信仰和传播方式中的跨文化差异。他们经常寻求促进之间的理解。通过将每种文化“翻译”到另一种文化,例如通过拼写出共同的,被认为是理所当然的假设来进行分组。“ –  Unive北德克萨斯州的“人类学”旨在揭示适用于所有人类社区的行为原则。对于人类学家来说,多样性本身 – 在身体形状和大小,风俗,服装,言论,宗教和世界观中看到 – 为理解任何特定社区的生活的任何一个方面提供了参考框架。“ – 美国人类学协会”人类学是对人的研究。在这个学科中,人们被认为是他们所有的生物和文化多样性,无论是现在还是史前的过去,以及人们存在的地方。向学生介绍人与环境之间的互动,以培养对过去和现在的人类适应性的欣赏。“ – 波特兰社区学院


Anthropological research is the study of human beings: their culture, their behavior, their beliefs, and the way they live. The following is a collection of anthropologists and other definitions of anthropology that are dedicated to defining and describing what Alexander Pope (1688-1744) calls “the correct study of humans” – Mann. “’Anthropology’ is not a theme but a connection between themes. It is part of history, part of literature; part is natural science, part is social science; it seeks to study men from the inside out; it represents a way to look The vision of humans and humans – the most scientific humanities, the most scientific humanists.” – Eric Wolf, Anthropology, 1964. “Anthropology has traditionally tried to treat itself as a compromise position on this core issue. The most scientific humanities and the most scientific humanities. This compromise has always been unique to people other than anthropology, but today it It seems increasingly unstable for people inside the discipline.” – James William Wright. Scientific Reason and Anthropology: The Principle of Rational Inquiry. Roman and Litfield, 1997. “Anthropology is a study of humans. Of all the disciplines that study human existence and achievement, only anthropology explores a panoramic view of human experience from human origin to contemporary cultural and social life forms.” – University of Florida “Anthropologist Trying to answer this question: “How do you explain the diversity of human cultures currently found on Earth and how they evolved? “Given the fact that we must change rapidly in the next generation or two generations, this is a very relevant issue for anthropologists.” – Michael Scullin Anthropology is a study of human diversity around the world. Anthropologists study society Cross-cultural differences in institutions, cultural beliefs, and modes of communication. They often seek to promote understanding between each culture by “translating” each culture into another culture, for example by spelling out common assumptions that are taken for granted. Grouping.” – Unive North Texas “Anthropology” aims to reveal the principles of conduct applicable to all human communities. For anthropologists, diversity itself – seen in body shape and size, customs, clothing, speech, religion, and worldview – provides a frame of reference for understanding any aspect of life in any particular community. “-American Anthropology Association” Anthropology is a study of humans. In this discipline, people are considered to be all their biological and cultural diversity, both now and in prehistoric past, and where people exist. Introduce students to the interaction between people and the environment to foster appreciation of past and present human adaptation. ” – Portland Community College


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