无论您是新手骑手还是寻求刺激的专业人士,摩托车都是冒险的行业 – 我们知道。但是添加寒冷,多雨,甚至结冰和下雪的条件,骑马可以变得非常危险。如何在寒冷,滑溜和无情的情况下处理道路?这里有一些技巧可以帮助您度过冬季骑行月份。在摩托车上感冒是你防御能力下降的第一种方式,当你快速骑行时,你会容易受到不必要的错误的影响。你的双手麻木或双腿颤抖吗?在低于黄金条件下骑行可以轻松打开通往潜在危险错误的大门,这就是为什么你应该穿着适当的层和穿上基础层,头套和手套衬里等装备来穿着。加热的机动设备,从把手和座椅到背心和夹克,也可以对自行车的电池征税,所以要注意电压表,以确保你没有抢夺自行车的发动机启动功率。通过这五种方式在自行车上打冷却,获得保持温暖的全面信息。在潮湿时仔细扫描道路,因为隐藏的水池可能意味着突然失去牵引力。注意你的遮阳板 – 它的色彩是否掩盖了路面的细微之处?凝结是否完全阻挡了视图?使用Rain-X等产品保持盖子通风良好和/或清洁是一个开始。在温暖的天气骑行期间保持周围的空间泡沫是给定的;毕竟,谁想要通过改变交通或疏忽的司机来措手不及?当冷轮胎温度,可见度和光滑表面发挥作用时,对安全气泡的需求变得更加重要。请记住,在恶劣的条件下,你的自行车的停止,转弯和加速能力会被削减,如果你为自己雕刻了更大的空间,你就更有可能对意外事件做出反应。


Whether you are a novice rider or a thrilling professional, motorcycles are an adventurous industry – we know. But riding cold, rainy, and even icing and snowing conditions can make riding very dangerous. How to deal with roads in cold, slippery and ruthless situations? Here are some tips to help you through the winter cycling season. A cold on a motorcycle is the first way to reduce your defenses. When you ride fast, you are vulnerable to unnecessary mistakes. Are your hands numb or your legs shaking? Riding below gold can easily open the door to potentially dangerous mistakes, which is why you should wear the appropriate layer and wear the base layer, headgear and glove lining to wear. Heated mobile equipment, from handles and seats to vests and jackets, can also tax the battery of the bicycle, so pay attention to the voltmeter to make sure you don’t grab the engine’s starting power. Use these five methods to cool the bike and get comprehensive information to keep warm. Carefully scan the road when it is wet, because a hidden pool may mean a sudden loss of traction. Pay attention to your sun visor – does its color obscure the nuances of the road? Does condensation completely block the view? Using a product such as Rain-X to keep the lid ventilated and/or clean is a start. Keeping the space bubble around during warm weather riding is given; after all, who wants to be caught off guard by changing traffic or negligent drivers? As cold tire temperatures, visibility and smooth surfaces work, the need for safety bubbles becomes even more important. Keep in mind that under severe conditions, your bike’s ability to stop, turn and accelerate will be cut. If you engrave more space for yourself, you are more likely to react to unexpected events.


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