Big Hole National Battlefield位于蒙大拿州Wisdom附近,是Nez Perce国家历史公园的一部分,致力于纪念美国军队与美洲原住民组织Nez Perce之间的战斗(nimí·pu·in Nez Perce语言)。大洞的关键战役发生在187789日,当时由约翰·吉本邦上校率领的美国军队在黎明时袭击了一个内兹珀斯人的营地,他们在大洞谷中睡觉。超过800 Nez Perce2,000匹马经过Bitterroot山谷,并于87日在“大洞”露营.Gibbon派出17名军官,132名男子和34名公民参与袭击,每人携带90发子弹,还有一支榴弹炮和一支包骡子,另外还有2000发子弹跟随他们沿着小道走。截至810日,差不多有90名内兹珀斯人死亡,还有31名士兵和志愿者。大洞国家战场的建立是为了纪念所有在那里战斗和死亡的人。大洞是蒙大拿州西部宽阔山谷中最高和最宽的山谷,这个山谷将东部边缘的先锋山脉与西部的南部比特鲁特山脉分开。由古老的火山力量创造,宽阔的山谷下面是玄武岩岩体,被14,000英尺的沉积物覆盖。公园内稀有和敏感的物种包括Lemhi penstemon花和camas,一种产生球茎的百合,被Nez Perce用作食物。公园里的动物包括西部蟾蜍,快速狐狸和北部落基山灰狼;许多鸟类迁徙过来,包括秃鹰,山p,以及巨大的灰色和北方猫头鹰。


Located near Wisdom, Montana, Big Hole National Battlefield is part of the Nez Perce National Historic Park and is dedicated to fighting the battle between the US Army and the Native American organization Nez Perce (nimí·pu·in Nez Perce). The key battle of the Great Cave took place on August 9, 1877, when the US Army led by Colonel John Gibbon attacked a Nez Perce camp at dawn and they slept in the Great Cave Valley. More than 800 Nez Perce and 2,000 horses passed through the Bitterroot Valley and camped on the Big Hole on August 7. Gibbon sent 17 officers, 132 men and 34 citizens participated in the attack, each carrying 90 rounds of ammunition, and one The howitzer and a bag of scorpions, and another 2,000 bullets followed them along the trail. As of August 10, almost 90 Nez Perce people were killed, and 31 soldiers and volunteers. The Dadong National Battlefield was established to commemorate all those who fought and died there. The Great Cave is the highest and widest valley in the vast valleys of western Montana, which separates the Pioneer Mountains on the eastern edge from the southern Bitrut Mountains in the west. Created by ancient volcanic forces, beneath the wide valley is a basalt rock mass covered by 14,000 feet of sediment. Rare and sensitive species in the park include Lemhi penstemon flowers and camas, a lily that produces bulbs, used by Nez Perce as food. Animals in the park include the Western Stork, the Fast Fox and the Northern Rocky Mountain Grey Wolf; many birds migrated, including vultures, mountains, and giant grey and northern owls.


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