1842年在马萨诸塞州波士顿附近的邦克山纪念馆纪念美国革命和在这个神圣的地方发生的战斗。在美国,战场本身通常被认为是纪念碑。在整个美国历史上,纪念建筑在当地和全国都建成。美国内战:内战纪念碑英雄继续分裂国家。曾为19世纪的邦联战争英雄建立纪念碑的社区和团体发现这些纪念碑在21世纪被删除 – 记住奴隶制和白人至上的文化对于一个正在与包容斗争的社会来说是不可容忍的。建筑可以激起情绪和争议。争议较少的是1866年内战未知纪念碑,这是阿灵顿公墓的第一座无名战士墓。这是一个由2000多名士兵组成的万人冢,包括联盟和同盟军,他们的骨头和尸体在经历了可怕的战斗之后被拾起。坟墓刻在石头上:在这块石头的下面安置了战争后从奔牛战场聚集的两千一百一十一名无名士兵的骨头,以及通往拉帕哈诺克的路线,他们的遗体无法辨认。但是他们的姓名和死亡记录在他们国家的档案中,其感恩的公民尊敬他们作为他们崇高的烈士军队。愿他们安息!九月。 A. D. 1866。


In 1842, the Bunker Hill Memorial near Boston, Massachusetts commemorated the American Revolution and the battles that took place in this sacred place. In the United States, the battlefield itself is often considered a monument. Throughout the history of the United States, memorial buildings have been built both locally and nationally. American Civil War: The Civil War Monument Hero continues to split the country. The communities and groups that had built monuments for the heroes of the Confederate War in the 19th century found that these monuments were removed in the 21st century – remember that slavery and white supremacism are intolerable for a society that is fighting inclusiveness. Buildings can provoke emotions and controversy. Less controversial is the 1866 Civil War Unknown Monument, the first unknown tomb of the Arlington Cemetery. This is a mass grave of more than 2,000 soldiers, including the Alliance and the Allies, whose bones and bodies were picked up after a terrible battle. The tomb is engraved on the stone: below the stone, the bones of the 2,111 unnamed soldiers gathered from the battlefield of the bull after the war, and the route to Rapahanok, are not able to identify. But their names and deaths are recorded in the archives of their country, and their grateful citizens respect them as their noble army of martyrs. May they rest in peace! September. A. D. 1866.



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