1958年3月,美国实施禁运,禁止向古巴出售武器。 1962年2月,美国通过扩大禁运来应对其他进口和大多数其他形式的贸易,从而对古巴导弹危机做出了回应。虽然制裁今天仍然有效,但美国旧冷战盟友中很少有人仍然尊重他们,古巴政府继续否认古巴人民的基本自由和人权。在1973年和1974年期间,美国成为石油输出国组织(欧佩克)成员国实施石油禁运的目标。为了惩罚美国在1973年10月的赎罪日战争中对以色列的支持,禁运导致汽油价格飙升,燃料短缺,天然气配给和短期经济衰退。欧佩克的石油禁运也刺激了正在进行的石油保护工作和替代能源的开发。今天,美国及其西方盟国继续支持以色列在中东的冲突。 1986年,美国对南非实施严格的贸易禁运,反对其政府长期存在的种族隔离政策。随着来自其他国家的压力,美国的禁运导致了种族隔离的结束,1994年纳尔逊曼德拉总统选举了一个完全种族混合的政府。


In March 1958, the United States imposed an embargo that prohibited the sale of weapons to Cuba. In February 1962, the United States responded to the Cuban Missile Crisis by expanding the embargo to deal with other imports and most other forms of trade. Although the sanctions are still valid today, few of the old Cold War allies in the United States still respect them, and the Cuban government continues to deny the fundamental freedoms and human rights of the Cuban people. During 1973 and 1974, the United States became the target of the oil embargo by members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). In order to punish US support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War of October 1973, the embargo led to soaring gasoline prices, fuel shortages, natural gas rationing and a short-term economic downturn. OPEC’s oil embargo has also stimulated ongoing oil conservation efforts and the development of alternative energy sources. Today, the United States and its Western allies continue to support Israel’s conflict in the Middle East. In 1986, the United States imposed a strict trade embargo on South Africa and opposed its long-standing apartheid policy. With pressure from other countries, the US embargo led to the end of apartheid. In 1994, President Nelson Mandela elected a fully ethnically mixed government.


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