准备金率是银行作为准备金(即金库中的现金)保留的总存款的一部分。从技术上讲,准备金率也可以采取存款准备金率,或银行需要保留的存款比例作为准备金,或超额准备金率,银行选择保留的存款总额的比例作为超出其要求的储备。现在我们已经探讨了概念定义,让我们来看一个与准备金率相关的问题。假设所需的准备金率为0.2。如果通过公开市场购买债券向银行体系注入额外的200亿美元储备,那么活期存款增加了多少?如果要求的准备金率为0.1,你的答案是否会有所不同?首先,我们将检查所需的准备金率是多少。准备金率是银行手头存款人银行存款余额的百分比。因此,如果一家银行拥有1000万美元的存款,而其中150万美元存入银行,那么该银行的准备金率为15%。在大多数国家,银行必须保持最低存款准备金率,即所需的存款准备金率。这种存款准备金率已经到位,以确保银行手头没有现金用于满足提款需求。 。银行用他们没有的钱做什么呢?他们把钱借给其他顾客!了解这一点,我们可以弄清楚当货币供应增加时会发生什么。


The reserve ratio is part of the total deposit held by the bank as a reserve (ie cash in the vault). Technically, the reserve ratio can also take the deposit reserve ratio, or the proportion of deposits that banks need to reserve as reserves, or excess reserve ratios, and the proportion of deposits that banks choose to retain as a reserve that exceeds their requirements. Now that we have explored the concept definition, let’s look at a problem related to the reserve ratio. Assume that the required reserve ratio is 0.2. If an additional $20 billion reserve is injected into the banking system through open market purchases, how much is the demand deposit increased? If the required reserve ratio is 0.1, will your answer be different? First, we will check what the required reserve ratio is. The reserve ratio is the percentage of the bank deposit balance of the bank depositor at hand. Therefore, if a bank has $10 million in deposits and $1.5 million of them are deposited in banks, the bank’s reserve ratio is 15%. In most countries, banks must maintain a minimum deposit reserve ratio, the required deposit reserve ratio. This deposit reserve ratio is in place to ensure that the bank has no cash at hand to meet the withdrawal requirements. . What do banks do with the money they don’t have? They lend money to other customers! With this in mind, we can figure out what happens when the money supply increases.


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