心理学家已经研究过在创伤事件发生后是否有可能阻止倒叙的发展。研究员Emily Holmes和她的同事已经提出,由于闪回通常是强大的视觉图像,因此可以通过“分散”视觉系统来降低严重性。为了测试这个想法,福尔摩斯和她的同事进行了一项实验,参与者观看了一个可能受到创伤的视频。之后,一些参与者玩了俄罗斯方块,其他参与者则没有。研究人员发现,玩过俄罗斯方块的参与者只有大约一半的闪回次数。换句话说,像俄罗斯方块这样的中性活动似乎保持了参与者大脑中的视觉系统被占用,使闪回图像不太可能发生。在霍姆斯博士研究小组的另一篇论文中,研究人员要求经历过创伤事件的急诊室患者参加类似的研究。一些参与者玩俄罗斯方块,而其他参与者没有,研究人员发现,玩下俄罗斯方块的参与者对下周创伤事件的侵入记忆较少。更广泛地说,研究人员发现,心理治疗和药物治疗可以减轻创伤后应激障碍症状的严重程度,包括倒叙。一种类型的治疗,长期暴露,涉及在安全,治疗环境中讨论创伤事件。另一种治疗技术,认知加工疗法,涉及与治疗师合作,改变一个人对创伤事件的看法。研究人员发现,这两种治疗方法都能够减轻创伤后应激障碍症状的严重程度。


Psychologists have investigated whether it is possible to prevent the development of flashbacks after a traumatic event. Researcher Emily Holmes and her colleagues have suggested that, since flashbacks are often powerful visual images, it may be possible to reduce the severity by “distracting” the visual system. To test this idea out, Holmes and her colleagues conducted an experiment in which participants watched a potentially traumatizing video. Afterwards, some participants played Tetris, and others did not. The researchers found that participants who played Tetris only had about half as many flashbacks as the participants who didn’t. In other words, it appears that a neutral activity such as Tetris kept the visual systems in the participants’ brains occupied, making flashback images less likely to occur. In another paper by Dr. Holmes’ research team, researchers asked emergency room patients who had experienced a traumatic event to participate in a similar study. Some participants played Tetris while others did not, and the researchers found that participants who played Tetris had fewer intrusive memories of their traumatic event over the next week. More broadly, researchers have found that psychotherapy and medication can reduce the severity of PTSD symptoms, including flashbacks. One type of therapy, Prolonged Exposure, involves discussing the traumatic event in a safe, therapeutic setting. Another therapeutic technique, Cognitive Processing Therapy, involves working with a therapist to change one’s beliefs about the traumatic event. Researchers have found that both types of therapy are able to lessen the severity of PTSD symptoms.


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