在柏林以外,东德在1952年得到了强化。到了20世纪50年代末,许多生活在东德的人想要出去。不再能够忍受压抑的生活条件,他们将前往西柏林。虽然其中一些将在途中停止,但成千上万的人越过边境。一旦穿过,这些难民被安置在仓库中,然后飞往西德。许多逃脱的人都是年轻,训练有素的专业人士。到20世纪60年代初,东德迅速失去了劳动力和人口。从1949年到1961年,估计有近270万人逃离东德。政府迫切希望阻止大规模流亡。明显的泄漏是东德人对西柏林的轻松访问。在苏联的支持下,曾多次尝试过简单地接管西柏林。虽然苏联甚至在这个问题上威胁美国使用核武器,但美国和其他西方国家都致力于保卫西柏林。东德渴望保持其公民,他知道需要做些什么。民主,在柏林墙出现前两个月,民主德国国务委员会主席(1960-1973)的Walter Ulbricht说:“Niemand帽子死于Absicht,eine Mauer zu errichten。”这些标志性的词语意味着,没有人打算建造一堵墙。“在此声明之后,东德人的外流只会增加。在1961年的未来两个月里,将近2万人逃往西方。谣言已经传播,可能会发生一些事情。收紧东柏林和西柏林的边界。没有人期待柏林墙的速度 – 也不是绝对 – 只是在1961年8月12日至13日的午夜过后,带着士兵和建筑工人的卡车轰隆隆地通过东部柏林。当大多数柏林人正在睡觉时,这些工作人员开始撕毁进入西柏林的街道。他们在东柏林和西柏林之间的边界上挖洞挖出混凝土柱子和铁丝网。东柏林和西柏林之间的电话线是当天早上醒来时,柏林人也感到震惊。曾经是一个非常流畅的边界,现在已经僵硬了。东柏林人不再能够越过边境进行歌剧,戏剧,足球比赛,或任何其他活动。大约60,000名上班族不再能够前往西柏林从事高薪工作。家人,朋友和爱人不再能越过边界与亲人见面。在8月12日晚上,无论哪一边进入睡眠状态,他们都被困在那边数十年。


Outside of Berlin, East Germany was strengthened in 1952. By the end of the 1950s, many people living in East Germany wanted to go out. No longer able to endure the oppressive living conditions, they will travel to West Berlin. Although some of them will stop on the way, thousands of people cross the border. Once passed through, these refugees were placed in warehouses and then flew to West Germany. Many people who escape are young, well-trained professionals. By the early 1960s, East Germany quickly lost its labor and population. From 1949 to 1961, an estimated 2.7 million people fled East Germany. The government is eager to stop mass exoduses. The obvious leak was an easy visit by East Germans to West Berlin. With the support of the Soviet Union, I have tried many times to simply take over West Berlin. Although the Soviet Union even threatened the United States to use nuclear weapons on this issue, the United States and other Western countries are committed to defending West Berlin. East Germany is eager to keep its citizens and he knows what needs to be done. Democracy, two months before the appearance of the Berlin Wall, Walter Ulbricht, chairman of the Democratic Kingdom of Germany (1960-1973) said: “Niemand hat died in Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten.” These iconic words mean that no one intends Build a wall. “After this statement, the outflow of East Germans will only increase. In the next two months of 1961, nearly 20,000 people fled to the West. The rumors have spread and some things may happen. Tighten East Berlin and West Berlin The border. No one expects the speed of the Berlin Wall – nor is it absolute – just after midnight on August 12-13, 1961, trucks with soldiers and construction workers rumble through East Berlin. When most Berliners While sleeping, the workers began to tear into the streets of West Berlin. They dug holes in the border between East Berlin and West Berlin to dig up concrete pillars and barbed wire. The telephone line between East Berlin and West Berlin wakes up that morning. The Berliners were also shocked when they arrived. It used to be a very smooth border and it is now stiff. East Berliners can no longer cross the border for opera, drama, football matches, or any other activity. About 60,000 office workers are no longer Being able to travel to West Berlin for high-paying jobs. Family, friends and loved ones can no longer cross the border to meet their loved ones. On the evening of August 12, no matter which side Sleep state, they are trapped in there several decades.


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