
澳洲悉尼教育学作业代写 学习方式

It is my belief that no two students have an identical learning style. Something that may work for one may not work at all for another. Meeting each students’ individual needs is a responsibility for all members of a school. Growing a students potential and self-esteem are also important in the students over-all development. It is also my belief that all students have the potential to learn. It is our responsibility as special education educators to unlock that potential and teach these students what they need to be successful. A special education teacher’s primary role is to provide instruction and support to those students with special needs. In the classroom is it the educators role to help create and put into effect the students IEPs (“Individualized Education Programs” 2019). Observation, testing and evaluation are key to discovering the level of abilities that a student with special needs may hold. Maintaining contact with parents of students throughout the school year can help alleviate stress that many families can feel when attempting to handle a diagnosis they were not expecting. It is also the position of the special education teacher to collaborate with general education teachers who also serve the special needs student to deliver the appropriate modifications and accommodations if needed.It is my knowledge that inclusion for special needs students is a positive strategy. Students with special needs have the right to an education in the least restrictive environment. Many positives can come from an inclusion setting. Peers learn from peers. This is when peer-modeling kicks in and proves to work. Inclusive special education theory according to Flanders (2013), is when “all students, including students with the most significant disabilities, are welcomed into a general education class in their neighborhood school.” Inclusion does not only mean that the students are physically present, it means they are included in the activities and inner working of the classroom, the same as other students, but with the availability of support. Flanders (2013), supports the argument of teaching compassion to those students in general education when allowing those students to help children with disabilities with the activity or lesson. Inclusion is not only about the students with disabilities learning, it is also about the general education students learning compassion and even tolerance for those with special needs.


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